Following are the minutes of a USCF Executive Board
conference call held last night. Former President John McCrary has
resigned from the Board, leaving it with six members. An election to fill
the vacancy is not required under the Bylaws, and it is believed that due to the
cost involved, the Board will probably not schedule one and will remain short a
member for the next two years.
In other news, USCF rating fees will increase to 20 cents per game on disk and 40 cents per game on paper, probably effective January 1, 2004. Current rating fees are 15 cents per game on disk (10 cents for scholastic or quick events) and 30 cents per game on paper (20 cents for scholastic or quick events). All types of tournaments will pay the same rating fee when the new fees go into effect.
Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting
August 22, 2003
Members Present:
Beatriz Marinello, President
Stephen Shutt, Vice-President
Timothy Hanke, Vice-President of Finance
Dr. Frank Brady, Secretary
Frank Camaratta, Member-at-Large
Donald Schultz, Member-at-Large
The following motions were presented and voted upon:
1.) "The Executive Board authorizes the President of USCF to make
emergency personnel decisions for the next two months during the
current financial emergency." (Schultz).
Marinello: abstain
Shutt: against
Hanke: affirmed
Brady: affirmed
Camaratta: against
Schultz: affirmed
Motion passed: 3 yes, 2 no, 1 abstention
2.) "The Executive Board approves the acceptance of personnel
actions taken on August 20, 2003." (Schultz)
Marinello: affirmed
Shutt: against
Hanke: affirmed
Brady: affirmed
Camaratta: against
Schultz: affirmed
Motion passed: 4 yes, 2 no.
3.) "The USCF accepts with regret the resignation of Dr. John
McCrary from the Executive Board, and thanks him for his service."
Marinello: affirmed
Shutt: affirmed
Hanke: affirmed
Brady: affirmed
Camaratta: affirmed
Schultz: affirmed
Motion passed unanimously: 6 yes
Respectfully submitted by Dr. Frank Brady, USCF Secretary
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